VALENCIA.- IVAM launched an exhibition that comprises 35 works, pictures and robots dated between 2001 and 2009 made by Ximo Lizana. The images have been included in a catalog together with the texts written by the curator of the exhibition, Ángel Kalenberg, the director of the IVAM, Consuelo Ciscar, María García-Abadillo and Natalia Gómez. Ximo Lizana studied in the School of Applied Arts of Huesca and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Valencia. He felt soon interested in the relation between robotics, engineering and art and became part of a global interlinked counterculture based on new technologies potential. His artistic work is inserted in a transitional period between the representation and the simulation of art. Through these conceptions, an increasingly complex world can be represented. The artist creates new conceptual approaches by using new technology tools. He takes advantage of the new formats stemming from