Art News

Time/Bank: A platform for the Cultural Sector through which Goods and Services can Be Exchanged

MAASTRICHT.- Stroom den Haag and NAIM / Bureau Europa announced the opening of a new Time/Store in Maastricht, from July 17th though October 2, 2011. All across Europe, we are suddenly being told that we are too poor to afford culture, but we are not poor. Many of us are artists, writers, curators, teachers, filmmakers, designers, and architects, and we have knowledge and skills. We can self-organize. The dismantling of public funding for critical culture in the Netherlands in particular has made it urgent and necessary to develop new support structures if critical culture is to remain viable and vibrant. Alternative economies and other mutual aid systems may be one of the ways by which independent organizations and cultural producers may persevere. Last May, Stroom Den Haag opened the Dutch branch of the Time/Bank, a platform and community for the cultural sector through which goods and services can