Art News

The Sketchbooks of Sir Nicholas Grimshaw on View at Edinburgh College

EDINBURGH.- Edinburgh College of Art and the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) are delighted to present an exhibition of sketchbooks by its alumnus, architect and President of the Royal Academy of Arts Sir Nicholas Grimshaw. The exhibition will offer a rare opportunity to view initial and conceptual sketches by a leading architect. Throughout his career, Sir Nicholas has developed his ideas and concepts in a series of A4 sketchbooks, revealing a particularly systematic approach to architectural design. The sketchbooks contain drawings usually hidden from public view once the process of commissioning and construction are underway. Ambitious and complex projects that subsequently employed high tech processes all started in a humble sketchbook, hand drawn with a pen. The exhibition will contain 62 A4 sketchbooks dating from 1982 to 2007, housed in bespoke display cases.