Art News

Tamar Getter and the Grotesque Circle of Chalk at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art

TEL AVIV.- Tamar Getter’s comprehensive exhibition, “GO 2”, emphasizes her work’s combined, multi-voiced, exaggerated and grotesque utterance. It includes some 10 new painting units, sprawling over more than 100 meters, alongside canonical works, from the cycles “Tel Hai”, “Landscapes”, “Artificialia Naturalia”, “History Lessons” and “Recruits”. The exhibition seeks to refresh the gaze and accentuate the observation of this body of work that is thin and charged, skeletal and rich, continuous, critical and central. Getter is one of the prominent artists of the Israeli avant-garde that developed and peaked in the 1970s. In addition to being a student of Raffi Lavie, whose influence is evident mostly in her composition, Getter’s studies at the Tel Aviv University Department of Literature during the 1970s have probably been even more constitutive and significant. Getter’s work expands the understanding of the modernist project and refers to the artistic object as one of constant res