LONDON.- Six exceptional young talents from Australia, Jordan, Lebanon, South Africa and the United States have been chosen by Trisha Brown, Brian Eno, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Anish Kapoor, Peter Sellars and Zhang Yimou to work with them for a year of individual mentoring in the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative 2010-2011, it was announced this week. Australian dancer/choreographer Lee Serle, 28, received a bachelor of dance degree from Melbournes Victorian College of the Arts in 2003. He has contributed to the work of several mainly Melbourne-based companies, including Lucy Guerin Inc and Chunky Move, with which he has performed both nationally and internationally. His choreographic credits include A Little Murky, a small-scale piece that experiments with subtle characterization and showcases his powerful and theatrical style, and Im in Love, for the Next Wave Festival in Melbourne. Thirty-year-old Australian composer, producer and musician Ben Frost receiv