Art News

Silkscreens from LeRoy Neiman’s Archives at Franklin Bowles Galleries

SAN FRANCISCO, CA.- Franklin Bowles Galleries presents NEIMAN 2010, a major collection of silkscreens from LeRoy Neiman’s personal archives, accompanied by rare original paintings and works on paper created over the past 50 years. As one of America’s most-collected living artists, Mr. Neiman began his career as a printmaker in the late 1960s. Although Neiman’s output of silkscreens has been prolific—he favors the medium for its ability to capture the vibrant colors, immediacy and movement of his paintings—the artist is also an accomplished practitioner in the fields of etching and lithography. In 1996, The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies was founded at Columbia University in New York City through a generous endowment from the artist and his wife, Janet; its mission is to promote printmaking through education and the production and exhibition of prints. NEIMAN 2010 is a dramatic exam