Art News

Rijksmuseum is largest loaning institution to exhibition at Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna

AMSTERDAM.- Providing a total of 17 paintings, the Rijksmuseum is making the largest contribution of loaning institutions to the exhibition Winter Tales: Depictions of Winter in European Art from Bruegel to Beuys, which was organised by former Rijksmuseum Director in Chief Ronald de Leeuw on behalf of Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. More than 180 objects, ranging from paintings to a sleigh, tell the story of European winters from 1450 to the present. For centuries, artists have been inspired to create beautiful paintings and historical pieces by such stories as that of Napoleon’s forces as they faced crisis during the harsh Russian winter in 1814. In addition, the tranquillity and beauty of the brutally cold white of winter, the carefree enjoyment of the frozen scenery of characteristically Dutch winter landscapes, the habits and customs of the season and winter celebrations have also served as sources of ins