WASHINGTON, D.C.- A newly expanded version of the Gemini G.E.L. (Graphic Editions Limited) Online Catalogue Raisonné introduces 333 works produced by the acclaimed Los Angeles print and sculpture workshop between early 1997 and late 2005. The online catalogue now represents 2,069 editions, recording Gemini’s creative activity from its 1966 inception through 2005. Since 1981, the National Gallery of Art has been home to the Gemini G.E.L. Archive, which represents an example of virtually every print and edition sculpture produced by this important workshop. The Gallery’s holdings of Gemini works are a cornerstone of its contemporary graphic art collection. The Gemini G.E.L. Online Catalogue Raisonné was originally launched on the National Gallery’s server in 2001, in order to present an ongoing record of Gemini’s collaborations with important contemporary artists. Gemini continues to produce limited-edition fine art prints a