Art News

Miro’s, Monets, Modiglianis from The Nahmad Collection go public at Kunsthaus Zurich

ZURICH (REUTERS).- Over the past half-century the Nahmad family’s primary relationship with art was how much money they could make by dealing in the works of Picasso, Monet and Dali. Now a new exhibition, “Miro, Monet, Matisse – The Nahmad Collection” reveals for the first time the world-class works they stashed away, almost forgotten in a warehouse. Their story began in the early 1960s, when brothers Ezra and David began buying art in Paris and transporting it back to Milan to sell. On one occasion they drove through the night with a Picasso strapped to the roof of their Morris Minor car, because it wouldn’t fit in the trunk, Ezra’s son Helly said in an interview for the exhibition’s catalog. “When they arrived in Milan, they discovered to their shock that the painting was no longer there — it had blown off on the motorway. They drove straight back and luckily found the picture — lying damaged in grass on the roadside,” Helly said.