BRONX, NY.- “Dao,” an ancient Chinese concept means “way,” “path,” or “natural working of the universe.” Daoists consider the Dao an original Oneness in things, an eternal underlying foundation of being from which the many parts of the universe continuously spring and into which they continuously return. The state of the Dao in contemporary China is in disrepair and the artists in this exhibition explore the social, political and environmental changes of the new China – most notably, consumerism, pollution, and military expansion – as a means of restoring the balance. In this way they are fulfilling the ancient function of the artist in society. Such ideas are inherent in the poetic renditions of the Daodejing ascribed to the hand of Laozi who lived around sixth century bce. This beloved work was as much a blueprint for a utopian society as a guide to self-perfection. Government, it explains, should not interfere in its citizens’ life: left alone society will find a peaceful co