NEW BRUNSWICK.- Born in Morocco into a conservative Muslim family and educated in Europe and the United States, Lalla Essaydi is poised at the intersection of two cultures. She is one of several contemporary Islamic women artists whose subjects are informed by feminist perspectives and personal experience. Her work has garnered increasing acclaim in Europe and America; in 2011 she will be the subject of a mid-career survey at the North Carolina Museum of Art. Lalla Essaydi: Les Femmes du Maroc comprises 17 large scale photographs selected from the artists most recent series. The title of the series, Les Femmes du Maroc,is adapted from Eugene Delacroixs iconic painting, Les Femmes dAlgiers of 1834. The painting by Delacroix, while based on his actual travels in North Africa, is a fictive vision of languorous women in an opulent harem. Paintings like these, which coincided with the nineteenth-century European occupation of much of the Arab world, fostered a view