Art News

Ko Siu Lan: Don’t Think Too Much at Galerie Paris Beijing

BEIJING.- Galerie Paris Beijing presents the site-specific installations and language based works by artist Ko Siu Lan. Born in Xiamen, China, grew up in Hong Kong, Ko Siu Lan studied Sociology before working for NGOs in China until 2007. She has been making performances, installations, objects and videos for diverse international exhibitions since 2002. Recently completed the prestigious Program La Seine of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris, Ko Siu Lan is now based in Beijing. Everyday ready words and slogans are at the center of her art process. Ko Siu Lan’s works create systems that embody multiple layers of perceptions. The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness in sense-making depending on space, chance, and the viewers’ physical and mental participations. The messages and objects are constantly in play and meanings in flux. An exampl