KATONAH, NY (AP).- It’s called Center Gallery, and that’s just what curator Leslie Weissman wants it to be, the center of the community. Ms. Weissman sees Center Gallery as a warm, inviting space where residents can experience art up close and personal. There’s so much great art in Westchester; why shouldn’t we have a gallery?’ asks Ms. Weissman. The Katonah Art Center was the right location for the gallery. A center of the arts already, with so many artists, students, and families who come through their doors, it seemed an obvious choice to Ms. Weissman. Loren Anderson, founder of the Katonah Art Center, is very excited about housing a gallery in the KAC. We are always looking for ways to bring new faces to the Katonah Art Center. We will now attract even more artists and collectors to the KAC, our students and families will be exposed to new ideas, and our current artists will receive greater exposure.