LONDON.- Ever wondered what your treasured signed Beatles LP is worth? What about that original Rolling Stones tour poster you ripped off the wall in the 70s or that broken guitar Brian May gave to you? Well, nows your chance to find out at the very first Antiques Rockshow! Brought to you by two giants of rock n roll memorabilia, Hard Rock Cafe London and Bonhams auction house, the Antiques Rockshow will take place at the London cafe on Wednesday May 18th and will kick start the 40 Days That Rock a celebration of 40 years of Hard Rock Cafe. Two Bonhams specialists in the world of memorabilia, Stephanie Connell and Stephen Maycock, will be present at Hard Rock Cafe (150 Old Park Lane, W1) between 11am and 4pm and will give a valuation to any genuine piece of music history (Maximum 3 items per person). If you like the price and are wishing to