Art News

Filipinos Cry Sacrilege Over Art with Christ, Phallic Symbols by Artist Mideo Cruz

MANILA (REUTERS).- An art installation that mixes Christ with kitschy symbols of pop culture and includes a crucifix with a movable penis has set off an uproar in the Philippines among conservative Catholics, who say the installations are a mockery of their faith. Mideo Cruz, the artist responsible for the installation — intended to be a commentary on icon worship — has been branded a “demon” and bombarded with death threats and hate mail since his work featured in an exhibit in Manila that began June 17. “May your soul burn to (sic) hell, you Devil pro (sic) artist,” wrote a furious Facebook user, one of dozens denouncing Cruz’s work. Cruz, a 37-year-old visual and performance artist who has exhibited in such international art centres as New York, Paris and Tokyo, said he had wanted to provoke a reaction but was surprised