STOCKHOLM.- The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts and Moderna Museet present De ou par Marcel Duchamp par Ulf Linde. The focus is not on an artwork and an artist, but on half a century of acute visual and intellectual interpretation, by Ulf Linde. The results include the backbone of Moderna Museets Duchamp collection, supplemented for the exhibition by replicas of Duchamps works never previously exhibited. At the end of the 1950s, few people suspected that Marcel Duchamp would come to be seen as one of the most important artists of the century, and the most significant for the future development of art. In Stockholm, however, Marcel Duchamp was early on a major figure on the art scene that grew up around Moderna Museet. A unique encounter took place between Duchamp and Linde, the outcome being that Lindes replicas were given Duchamps signature. Ulf Lindes early work with Duchamp also laid t