Art News

Dual Nature: Science Illustrations of Dan Otte at the Academy of Natural Sciences

PHILADELPHIA, PA.- For one Philadelphia scientist, grasshoppers and beetles are more than objects of research: they are works of art. In an exhibit opening Saturday, Aug. 6, scientist Dan Otte has turned his study specimens into beautiful scientific illustrations. Dual Nature: Science Illustrations of Dan Otte features original insect drawings and paintings by Otte, senior curator of entomology at the Academy of Natural Sciences, where the exhibit will be shown through Dec. 4. Otte uses colored pencil, graphite, ink, and watercolors to capture in exquisite detail the intricacies of grasshoppers, beetles, crickets and weevils. He also is a pioneer in recording and interpreting sound-producing insects. The Academy owns one of the largest collections of insect songs, and visitors will hear some of these in the exhibit. Otte (OT-ee) has travelled the world for more than 40 years to study and collect insects. He is a world expert on