SARASOTA, FL.- Philanthropist David F. Bolger, President of the Bolger Foundation of Ridgewood, NJ and Longboat Key, FL has donated $1.105 million to fund Phase I of a waterfront landscaping plan at The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. The gift will be used to make improvements to the Estates 66-acre property along the waterfront area by connecting the CadZan mansion to the south property line with path ways, seating, lighting and landscaping. The waterfront is an important component of the Museum experience, Mr. Bolger said. My gift will create a place of tranquility where Museum visitors will be able to sit, enjoy the beauty of the landscaping and the bay, and contemplate life and their place in it. The gift will be used to complete the first phase of a larger landscaping improvement plan that will create a usable space providing facilities for outdoor experiences for Museum visitors. Upon completion of the first phase of the