Art News

Artist Yun-Fei Ji exhibits New Works on Paper at James Cohan Gallery

Yun-Fei Ji - "A Band of Ghosts", 2009 - Ink on Xuan paper, 13 3/4 X 11 inches. - Copyright the artist.Courtesy of James Cohan Gallery, New York

James Cohan Gallery presents their second gallery
exhibition by Chinese expatriate artist Yun-Fei Ji, opening February 19 and
running through March 27.
The exhibition will include new works
on paper as well as Ji’s artist’s book, Migrants from the Three Gorges Dam,
recently published by the Library Council of The Museum of Modern Art,
Like in the ancient stories, Ji’s ghosts are stand-ins, free to
express themselves in ways not allowed to people living under tightly controlled
social and political hierarchies.