
Art News

Atlas Gallery hosts Exhibition of Polaroid Photographs / Film Now Expired Forever

Elliot Erwitt - "The Painting Studio" No.2653 · December 11, 2009 · Satirical Humor with a Polaroid Camera.

LONDON.- Early last year, the Polaroid Corporation
ceased producing its iconic film. The 9th October 2009 will see the final
“Use by” or Expiration date of the last batch of Polaroid film
manufactured. The exhibition at Atlas Gallery features a wide
selection of Polaroid prints
by photographers who have either
worked directly with the Polaroid Corporation as part of their research
program or who have become famous for the quality of their Polaroid prints
either alongside or independent from their traditional camera-based work.
It thus traces the development and use of this unique medium up to the
present day.

Art News

Gagosian Gallery presents “Roy Lichtenstein – Still Lifes”

Roy Lichtenstein - “Still Life with Silver Pitcher”, 1972 - Oil and magna on canvas, 50 x 60 in. © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein. Courtesy Gagosian Gallery. Promised gift of the Virginia and Bagley Wright Collection in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Seattle Art Museum.


YORK, NY.- Gagosian Gallery presents “Roy Lichtenstein:
Lifes,” the first exhibition devoted solely to Lichtenstein’s still life

paintings, sculptures and drawings, which span from 1972 through the
1980s. Although Lichtenstein will always be synonymous with Pop Art, he
continued to make inventive new work for almost three decades beyond the
during which he had become famous for his distinctive use of popular
images and commercial painting style. On exhibition 8 May through 30