
Art News

Harn Museum of Art to Present Timely Exhibition “America at Work”

GAINESVILLE, FL.- At a time when the nation is struggling to recover from an economic recession, the Harn Museum of Art presents a timely exhibition examining the American workforce from a previous generation. Opening June 8, America at Work: Art and Propaganda in the Early-20th Century will feature approximately 50 graphic works related to labor issues and demographics, popular culture, immigration trends and national identity during the first half of the 20th century. The exhibition will feature iconic work incentive posters produced by Mather and Company, as well as WPA prints.” “Work is a dominant concern for most Americans today, just as it was during key periods in our past,” said Dr. Rebecca Nagy, director of the Harn Museum of Art. “With America at Work, the Harn is able to connect people with history through works of art and design that remain relevant today. I think our visitors will find these posters