
Art News

Pera Museum Welcomes Colombian Artist Fernando Botero to Istanbul

Colombian artist Fernando Botero poses in front of a self portrait at the Pera Museum in Istanbul, during a preview one day before the opening of his first exhibition in Turkey. - Reuters / Murad Sezer

ISTANBUL.- Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation
Museum welcomed one of the most exceptional artists of the 21st century,

Fernando Botero in İstanbul for the very first time with an exhibition
comprising a selection of 64 works. Botero’s art is not exclusively a
or a representation, but brings with it the force of an inner vision, of
knocking on life’s door. Protecting his Latin and Colombian identity,
Botero has
succeeded forming his own style nourished not only by folkloric elements
also by the works of grand masters, and has poured his rich inner world
into his
works with a sophisticated, humorous and wise approach.
to matadors, dancing people to naked lovers, cardinals to sad clowns and
musicians, the exhibition invites us to discover Botero’s lyricism and
enchanting world.