Fondazione Antonio Ratti
The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world
Fall 2010 – Fall 2012
Fondazione Antonio Ratti
Villa Sucota, Via per Cernobbio, 19
22100 Como – Italy
Info: +39031233211
Fondazione Antonio Ratti, together with the Camera di Commercio di Como (in the ambit of the initiative Laboratorio Como 2010) are pleased to announce The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world, an international research project developed between 2010 and 2012 involving a wide range of curators, critics, historians of art, artists and professionals from diverse disciplinary fields and contexts, in an ongoing debate about exhibition practices of contemporary art in the beginning to the 21st century.
Within a time frame of two years and starting in the Fall of 2010, The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world will develop an exhaustive reflection upon the international artistic system, its protagonists, institutions, territories and its specific and controversial features. The themes that will be discussed in 2011 and 2012 will range from the analysis of the diverse models of exhibition spaces and its characteristics; the relation between economy and art; the definition and identity of the figure of the curator; the publications of art and other questions related to all the aspects of doing and producing exhibitions. A particular attention will be given to the Italian panorama.
The project will consist of approximately 25 public events, each dedicated to a specific problematic with the participation of specialists, invited to share a specific “case-story” and to reflect about some more general aspects of their professional experience. Therefore, the events will become concise conventions developed in an introductory talk and in the successive interventions of the other participants, but also with presentations done by a single guest, as well as dialogues or interviews.
Each event will be prepared through thematic dossiers that afterwards will be published, along with the documentation of the events, on the website of Laboratorio Como and on the new website of Fondazione Antonio Ratti (online from December 2010).
Laboratorio Como is a project of research and analysis of the Camera di Commercio. It inquiries the multiple connections that unify economic growth, innovation, urban development, culture, creativity, evaluating the role that Como and its territory can play in the current context.
The project is under the scientific responsibility of the Director of the Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Marco De Michelis, with the general coordination of Filipa Ramos and the collaboration of Centro ASK (Art, Science, Knowledge) of University Bocconi of Milan and of the Graduate Program in Visual and Performing Arts of the University IUAV of Venice.
Saturday, 27 November 2010, 6pm
III. The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world 1.
Marco De Michelis interviews Hans Ulrich Obrist
Friday, 17 December 2010, 6pm
IV. P.S.1 and beyond
Alanna Heiss (AIR Air International Radio, NYC)
Coordinator: Paola Nicolin
Wednesday, 12 January 2011, from 5 to 8pm
V. An Ecology of art (in collaboration with Università Bocconi, Milano)
Keynote Speaker: Stefano Baia Curioni (Università Bocconi)
Walter Santagata (Università di Torino)
Pierluigi Sacco (IULM, Milano)
Guido Guerzoni (Università Bocconi)
Angela Vettese (IUAV, Venezia)
Alberto Abruzzese (IULM, Milano)
Coordinator: Luca Martinazzoli
The events will take place in the premises of Fondazione Antonio Ratti.
Entrance is free but restricted to the number of available places.
Fondazione Antonio Ratti
Villa Sucota, Via per Cernobbio, 19
22100 Como – Italy
Info: +39031233211