LONDON (AP).- After nine months of tests, researchers in France have identified the head of France’s King Henry IV, who was assassinated in 1610 aged 57. The scientific tests helped identify the late monarch’s embalmed head, which was shuffled between private collections ever since it disappeared during the French Revolution in 1793. The results of the research identifying Henry IV’s head were published online Wednesday in the medical journal, BMJ. Henry IV was buried in the Basilica of Saint Denis near Paris, but during the frenzy of the French Revolution, the royal graves were dug up and revolutionaries chopped off Henry’s head, which was then snatched. “This case was considered with the same (level of severity) as if it were a recent forensic case,” said Philippe Charlier, a forensic medical examiner of University Hospital R Poincare in Garches, France, who led the team. Charlier and 19 colleagues ran a battery of forensic test