LONDON.- In a month of seasonal and economic gloom, Poppy Sebires latest show offers a little light relief. Player Player Player brings together six artists who use wit, slapstick, and a healthy sense of the absurd to come at the world from a fresh and playful angle. Never earnest, but often surprisingly incisive, theirs is work thatll make you smile and make you think, and leave the gallery feeling slightly better. The exhibition is on view from March 11th, 2011 and runs through April 9th, 2011. Matt Golden’s works include a piece of paper stroked over several months to make one corner rise in a curl, and white hairs plucked from his head and formed into a spiders web. In this show, hes displaying an upside-down postcard with a surprise in the sky. Lee Regan’s Fail is a ladder mounted horizontally at head height and attached to a motor so it swings continually in a circular arc through the ga