BASEL.- Róza El-Hassan (b. Budapest 1966) is one of the most prominent representatives of Hungarian contemporary art. Over the past twenty years, the artist has gained international renown with her drawings, objects, installations, videos, and actions as well as curatorial and social projects. As early as 1993, she was invited to participate in the Aperto section at the Venice Biennale, where she designed the Hungarian pavilion in 1997. A retrospective of her work was shown at Műcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, five years ago. The Kupferstichkabinett in Basel now presents a first survey of her graphic work; the 115 exhibits are complemented by a small selection of objects and sculptures. Half of the works on display are in the Kupferstichkabinetts own collection; the remaining works are on loan from Kunsthaus Zürich; evn collection, Austria; private collections in France, Hungary, and Switzerland; and the artis