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John Lennon letter on Maharishi to be auctioned at Nate D. Sanders’ in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, CA.- A John Lennon handwritten letter to a fan supporting Maharishi’s transcendental mediation movement will be auctioned at Nate D. Sanders’ Tuesday October 11, 2011 auction. Lennon wrote to Jean, “You are searching for ‘something’ (truth) the same as everyone else – whether they know it or not.” He added that they were fortunate to meet Maharishi and that his methods are simplistic enough to be instructed by the teachers that he taught. Lennon concluded the letter by listing a London address for a transcendental meditation school. The letter was written circa late 1967 at the height of the Beatles’ association with Maharishi as their spiritual advisor. The Beatles met Maharishi for the first time in London in August 1967 and would study with him in Bangor, Wales. In February 1968, they traveled to Rishikesh, India to receive meticulous training at Maharishi’s ashram. After five weeks, Lennon and George Harrison allegedly ended their