NEW YORK, NY.- Deborah Wye, The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Chief Curator of Prints and Illustrated Books at The Museum of Modern Art, will retire from that position effective September 1, 2010, it was announced today by MoMA Director Glenn D. Lowry. She will continue her relationship with the Museum in a consultative role, initially undertaking the final volume of a catalogue raisonnĂ© on the prints of Louise Bourgeois, which form an archive in MoMA’s collection. One of the foremost experts on the work of Bourgeois, Ms. Wye organized a sculpture retrospective of the artist’s work in 1982 for her first MoMA exhibition, followed by an exhibition of the artist’s prints in 1994. Ms. Wye’s retirement is in keeping with the Museum’s policy for Chief Curators and other senior managers to retire at age 65. Ms. Wye has played an integral role at MoMA for more than 30 years. Having joined the Museum as Assistant Curator in 1979, she