LONDON.- The smell of cordite was in the air as international trade and private buyers battled it out for the 382 lots at Bonhams Fine Arms & Armour Sale yesterday (29.4.10). The result was an explosive £1.13m total with 94 per cent of lots sold and few prisoners taken. Head of Fine Antique Arms & Armour at Bonhams, David Williams, who is now hurriedly preparing his next sale for July 21st said after this April sale: The result is a reflection of the buoyancy of the market for fine antique weapons of all sorts. He was particularly pleased for the private collector, Per T. Norheim whose array of edged weapons and antique firearms, mainly flintlock and wheel-lock guns, collected over 50 years, did exceptionally well in the sale. Top lot 214, a fine Lloyds Patriotic Fund sword and belt awarded to Lieutenant William